
Hi all! I've been feeling miserable lately due to all the stress in me, I swear May isn't a great month for me in other words it's the most unlucky month after going through all five months.

Okay first stop, School Projects.
Was once motivated and wanting to get in poly after graduating from ite but didn't expect that I've lost interest in furthering my education level. Besides that, I actually didn't gaf in anything and I guess is the flooding of projects which I despair in everything that I do. I'm just so tired of studying.

Secondly, My Wallet got Stolen
Kay... it's the most heartbreaking part where my wallet got stolen by some idiots in school and it's a gift from my boyf. The person was "smart" enough to steal my wallet where many eyes watching.. And I was "lucky" enough as the culprit was captured and instead of him returning me back the money, he returned me cash as he threw away my coach wallet.. GRR.............
Although it's just a coach wallet but it's a sentimental gift from someone I love and it's not the cost of the item but is the item that went along with me for sometime and it just disappear like a bubble. Heartbreaking isn't it? And I was kind enough not to take legal actions against him as I know things already happened and there's no point ruining his entire life.

Since it's the first day of a new month, would hope that things could be different compared to the previous months.

Thanks for reading. Shall end off.
