My skincare regimen II

Finally its the last month of the year that I've long awaited for and I'm all prepared for babyM's arrival in the next two days! This would probably be my last post for 2015 and of cause more updates ahead during 2016!

Today I'm gonna share with you my skincare regimen part II, where these items are usually used during my daily life.

If you have been reading my blog for sometime, previously I've used Neutrogena alcohol-free toner which I actually ditch away and switch to this brand called Dr. Wu. Therefore, I'm currently using this as it doesn't irritates my skin whenever I had break outs leaving open wounds on my face. Toner is the most important skincare product I can't live without!

My all time favorite moisturizing cream which helps to brighten up my skin complexion as well as firming my skin! Loving this product as it works really well on my skin!

My alternative moisturizing cream!

Singapore is always hot and humid that made me really frustrated after seeing my pores looking huge and ugly, I've been using this product for the past few months which really helps to close up my pores a little and it also had a cooling sensation after application. Btw, this product also comes with a refreshing tea tree scent that made me fell in love with it!

Lastly the black mask is a peel off mask which I usually use once a week to get rid of my black/white heads on my face. As always, this mask never fails to impress me after peeling it off! :D

Some of these items can be found in local drug store.
P.S this post is based on my own review, wasn't sponsored to do so.

Thanks for reading and look out for my next update!

